A Year in Posters

Graphic Design (2023-2024)
Project Overview
At the beginning of 2023 I found myself not being as creative for myself as I would like to be. This was mostly caused by having a busy school schedule, where I already had to constantly be creative and put out work. I decided to take small steps to do more graphic design for myself, by making a single poster every month, which concludes each month from my perspective. Small guidelines like always including a picture I took that month and adding illustrations are guides I set for myself in order to have some structure, but still be very free in what I wanted to create that month.
For the future
I honestly loved doing the first year of this project and seeing myself and my style develop over time, and would absolutely continue this project over the coming years (which I'm still in the middle of!). I've learned that I don't always have to have a plan when creating something new, and that I can take inspiration simply from the things surrounding me in the moment. See my progress on the 2024 collection below!

The months of 2023

The months of 2024